Shravasti was a city of ancient and one of the six largest cities in India during Gautama Buddha's lifetime. The city is located in the fertile Gangetic plains some 170 km NE of Lucknow. Shravasti rose to fame due to its association with Buddha and Mahavira and became one of the eight holy places of Buddhist pilgrimage. Buddha is said to have spent 24 rainy seasons besides performing the Twin Miracle of emanating fire and water from his body here. Besides, Suhaildev Wildlife Sanctuary provides the perfect nature trail options to tourists and pilgrims alike. It lies in Shravasti and Balrampur districts of Uttar Pradesh, along the Indo-Nepal border. It is rectangular in shape and has a core area of 452 sq. km. Suhaildev is home to 300 species of birds According to the researchers, this area, with 60% of the State's bird species, 25% of the country's bird species and 61% of UP's threatened bird species, is a 'first-class birding destination, no less than Dudhwa'. The unique Sal trees, the pristine forest, a birder's paradise as also home to Leopards and other wildlife make Suhaildev Wildlife Sanctuary the most attractive forests in Uttar Pradesh. The importance of Suhaildev lies in the fact that it is a vital animal corridor of the Terai Arc Landscape. The success of the corridor is evident by movement of elephants from the recently created Banke National Park (Nepal), in 2010 into Suhaildev . Suhaildev is the only representation of the Bhabar ecosystem in the Protected Area network of Uttar Pradesh, and its special management objective is conservation of the Bhabar ecosystem.Shravasti was located on the banks of the river Achiravati (now called the Rapti river). It was the capital city of the kingdom of Kosala, and its king was called Pasenadi, who was a disciple of Buddha. It is a beautiful city with vast amounts of agriculture and diversity. Buddhaghosa says that, in the Buddha's day, there were fifty-seven thousand families in Shravasti, and that it was the chief city in the country of Kasi Kosala, which was three hundred leagues in extent and had eighty thousand villages. He stated the population of Shravasti to have been 1.8 million. The road from Rajagriha to Shravasti passed through Vesali, and the Parayanavagga gives as the resting places between the two cities: Setavya, Kapilavatthu, Kusinara, Pava and Bhoganagara. Further on, there was a road running southwards from Shravasti through Saketa to Kosambi. Between Saketa and Shravasti was located Toranavatthu.

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